报告摘要:As penetration level increases the internal voltage of converters evolves through modulation in its amplitude and frequency, rather than harmonics appearing in the instantaneous value as a result. The physics and mathematics of the current excited therefore in the grid as well as its active and reactive components projected to the internal voltage of time-varying amplitude/frequency is fundamentally a new subject of area and is the origin of challenges in stability modelling and analysis. The "amplitude/frequency modulation" methodology selects amplitude/frequency of the internal voltage, as well as active/reactive current or power as state variables of analytics with the incremental changes of which will exhibit weak non-linear relations that can be reasonably linearized during initial period of the dynamics away from its operating points of the variables. The methodology is universally applicable for analyzing power systems of diversified devices with varied nature of physics and multiple time-scale structures including conventional electric machines as well as wind or photovoltaic generations etc..
报告人简介:Dr Yuan has been full professor with Huazhong university of sci. & tech. since 2011, and he served as Chief Engineer of electrical engineering for the global research center of the General Electric company prior to his university career. He is pioneer in the area of dynamics of power electronics dominated large power systems, and he developed the "amplitude/frequency modulation theory" for analysizing dynamics of general AC power systems.
袁小明,华中科技大学教授,国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)项目“大规模风力发电并网基础科学问题”首席科学家,国家高技术研究计划(863计划)新型电力电子关键技术及装备主题专家,国家十三五规划智能电网技术与装备重点专项专家组成员,教育部科技委能源学部委员。1998-2000瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院任研究员。2000-2010 GE全球研究中心任电力电子技术研究室经理、电气化平台召集人、电气总工程师,是GE历史上首位华人总工程师。2010年8月加入华中科技大学。拥有近30项授权美国专利,19项国内专利。是GE可再生能源发电故障穿越技术、虚拟同步发电技术的发明人,是变流器比例谐振控制技术的奠基人。率先倡导电力电子化电力系统安全稳定问题的研究,初步建立了多尺度建模、分析和控制的理论体系。